Robbinston Historical Society Collection

Most of these collections are scans of documents available at the Robbinston Historical Society.  The rest of the documents have been temporarily donated for scanning and then returned to the owner.  This list is not a complete representation of all collections available as we are currently working on making digital scans of all of our collections. Please come back and visit us soon as we are adding links for new collections all the time.

Collections Donated for Scanning:

Photos Donated by John Churchill

History of Robbinston Documents Donated by John Churchill

News Articles 1820S-2000 Donated by John Churchill

Journal of Richard Vose Hayden Donated by John Churchill

Available at the Robbinston Historical Society Visitors’ Center:

Robbinston Town Records (Not a Complete Collection)

Robbinston Postcards circa 1900 Contributed by Bob and Martha McCarter 2003

American Folklore for Professor Ives by Harriet S Burke

Grace Episcopal Church

Helena Simkhovitch – Mary Kingsbury Simkhovitch

Songs and Ballads of the Maine Lumberjacks

Mansion House History

Margaret Chase Smith Brochures

Rawleigh’s Good Health Guide 1926

News Articles